It was one great adventure – rich in new experiences and emotions! We got up at 3 am to have time to perpetuate the preparation of the bride! Because the hot air balloon had to take-off at 5.30 am from the place where they had planned to say their wedding vows. Everything happened almost the way we had planned. Not taking into account the weather forecast which had promised a slow and calm flight, but, in fact, as soon as the balloon got off the ground, it almost swirled up in the sky! And the persistent beeps from the radar from time to time reminded of blowing the hot air in the balloon. But, how to do that, if the priest is talking so passionately and meaningfully that you want to absorb and memorise almost every word, not to mention interrupting him with an insistent Shhh… Therefore, it has to be said that the whole day was one big teamwork – starting with Ieva and Madara, and continuing with the priest, the pilot, and also us.
Before the wedding, they had said that they were ready for everything. And this time with “everything” they had really meant EVERYTHING.
The balloon landed in a meadow that had that indescribable early morning magic – everything is quiet and peaceful, the city just a few kilometres away is still asleep, but here – nature is waking up. Dew drops decorating blades of grass, and sunrays illuminating spiderwebs. The air is still a bit cool, but they are ready to run barefoot over the meadow bumps, sleep in the wet grass, knowing that a heavy rain of morning dew will fall over them… And to do all of that just because we said – hey, this might be a great shot! Thank you for that! For every moment! It was a real pleasure – to work with you! And I don’t want to disclose all the details – you will see everything for yourselves if you will watch the video. Until the end.
Yes – they are crazy! Adorable in their madness. And the vibe they’re giving… Oh, let it last forever! You are our heroes! THANKS a million!
Tas bija viens varens piedzīvojums – jaunas pieredzes un emocijām bagāts! Mēs cēlāmies 3:00 naktī, lai
paspētu iemūžināt līgavas gatavošanos! Jo jau 5:30 bija jāpaceļas gaisa balonam, kurā viņi bija iecerējuši viens otram teikt “Jā!”. Viss tik pat kā arī noritēja pēc plāna. Ja neskaita to, ka prognozes liecināja: lidojumam vajadzētu būt lēnam un mierīgam, bet patiesībā balons, tikko atrāvies no zemes, teju uzvirpuļoja debesīs! Un neatlaidīgie pīkstieni no radara ik pa laikam atgādināja, ka nepieciešams steidzami iepūst siltumu balonā. Bet kā lai pūš, ja mācītājs runā tik aizrautīgi un jēgpilni, ka gribas uzsūkt un noglabāt atmiņā teju katru vārdu, kur nu vēl viņu pārtraukt ar uzstājīgo ŠŠŠŠŠ… Tāpēc laikam jau jāsaka, ka visa šī diena bija viens liels komandas darbs – sākot ar Ievu un Madaru, un turpinot ar mācītāju, pilotu un arī mums.
Viņi pirms kāzām bija teikuši, ka ir gatavi uz visu. Un šoreiz ar “visu” viņi tik tiešām domāja VISU.
Balons nolaidās pļavā, kurai piemita šī vārdos neaprakstāmā agro rītu maģija – viss kluss un mierīgs, pilsēta dažu kilometru attālumā vēl guļ, bet šeit – daba mostas. Zāles stiebros rotājas rasas lāses, un zirnekļu tīkli izgaismojas saules staru mirdzumā. Gaiss vēl ir mazliet dzestrs, bet viņi ir gatavi gan basām kājām skriet pāri pļavas kukuržņiem, gan gulēt slapjajā zālē, gan stāvēt zem kokiem, zinot, ka tūlīt pār viņiem nolīs pamatīgs rīta rasas lietus… un darīt to visu tikai tāpēc, ka mēs sakām – klau, šeit varētu sanākt lielisks kadrs! Paldies jums par to! Par katru šo brīdi! Tā bija īsta bauda – strādāt ar jums! Un laikam pat negribu atklāt visas detaļas – jūs paši visu redzēsiet, ja noskatīsieties video. Līdz galam.
Jā – viņi ir traki! Apburoši savā trakumā. Un tas, kas no viņiem izstaro… ehh, lai izdodas to saglabāt mūžīgi! Jūs esat mūsu varoņi! Miljons PALDIES!